Black Box Voting - Book Black Box Voting - Consumer Protection for Elections
Black Box Voting - Book by Bev Harris
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Black box is a term related to the system where all the information is hidden from the public. This is a non-transparent system, and as such it casts a dark shadow over freedom and democacy. In order to prevent elections from being a black box system, we need to make sure that the public gets nonbiased reports and access to all of the information related to the elections.

Black box voting is a nonpartisan, nonprofit citizen founded and funded group dedicated to protecting free and fair elections. Our mission is to investigate and report in order to educate the public in all things concerning elections.

In order to preserve the validity of the election process, the public needs to be informed and gain access to all of the information. We stand with the citizens, and depend only on their donations, which allow us to stay independent and provide nonbiased education to everyone.

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